ELPA CARRIL in Czech Republic | by KLK
News KLK
Presentation of Kit’s Elpa Rail in Czech Republic
In a country where the state railway network transported 193.5 million passengers in 2019, it is a clear example of the importance and value of this means of transport for Czech citizens, with numerous jobs generated annually both at the operational level and in maintenance and repairs.
Last week, resuming the agenda of commercial trips around Europe, we have given two trainings in two different cities in the country, under the invitation of the Czech Republic State Railway Company.
On our first day the KLK team travelled to the facilities of the National Railway School in Ceska Trevola to present to companies related to the railway sector, maintenance and installers our most efficient and safe solutions for track connections using aluminothermic welding, our ELPA RAIL KITS.
The second day of presentation/training was held at the premises of our group partner, Pandrol, in Prague, where we also prepared a training course for professionals based in this part of the country and under the supervision of the Czech National Railway Company, where we carried out connections under real conditions of use for professional railway maintenance and installation workers.

ELPA-Rail KITs Elements: specialised aluminothermic welding for railways

Example of rail connection of ELPA-rail kit
The ELPA-RAIL procedure is the method by which the best copper cable connections are achieved to the rail skid, with excellent electrical properties, high mechanical strength, and unbeatable performance against corrosion, all without causing cracking in the rail steel or, much less, risk of perforation of the same, since our system has a fusion method that does not exceed the maximum allowable temperature in the steel.
If you are interested in aluminothermic welding focused on the railway sector, we leave you some links that will surely give you a broader view of this type of solutions that KLK Electro materials put on the international market.

Ejemplo gráfico conexión rail | ELPA Rail klk
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