Where does energy efficiency really begin? by KLK
KLK focuses its power on controlling efficiency from generation.
Where does energy efficiency really begin?
For months now, the increase in the price of energy and the increase in our energy bills has become, almost a constant in the news we receive in the media, but above all a concept that has a direct impact on our pockets.
Faced with this historical situation and with a slightly bleak outlook for the future, many companies are developing products that appease or transform our installations into a “more efficient” concept, but really… Where does efficiency begin? Is it merely a concept of the end user or is it based at source? …These are some of the questions that our R+D+I development department has been asking for some time now.
At KLK Electro materials we view the concept of “efficiency” from an elevated position to focus our efforts on savings not only on the end user directly, but we place the concept of efficiency at the epicentre of the problem and design products/services that help to control the generation and distribution of energy itself.
All our product families propose solutions “upstream” of the end user in which, part of them are focused on the quality of the grounding of the installations, generating safe installations that help to safeguard people and the maintenance of the installation, being a direct form of saving to the end user.

alza de los precios de la energía afecta a familias y empresas | klk
But, with our line of power resistors we go a step further, given that we help in a “real” and direct way so that the supplies that the electricity companies deliver to users and companies reach us in a stable and totally “clean” way, thus avoiding losses and imbalances and at the same time we ensure that in the event of any anomaly, large costs are passed on. Our families of KLK power resistors create tailor-made products for distribution and transformation centres that avoid breakdowns, cuts and failures, giving stability to the system, which is a source of savings in the order of thousands of euros.
KLK Electro materiales was a pioneer in the creation of product solutions that prevent anomalies and improve the use of electrical networks through the research and experience of a team of engineers who work directly with the main electricity companies that supply thousands of homes in our country and abroad.
All our resistive equipment is custom-designed based on the needs of the project, country, type of solution, etc., where prior to installation and shipment to the receiving country, we carry out all the Fat tests in the different possibilities, either Routin or Text, where our customers, regardless of their country of origin, will be verifying live and participating directly in the “in streamin” validation prior to the physical shipment of the equipment to the final installation.
Our work does not end when the customer receives and installs the “KLK power resistor”, among our services we include the possibility to carry out periodic maintenance of operation and replacement of parts prior to their deterioration. We also have a training school that allows customers to access specific training to allow them total autonomy in maintenance or in the calculation/design.
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